Vigueur de L’Escarbot

Vigueur de L’Escarbot, daughter of Souris du Clapet aux Bartavelles (France) and Toy de St. Lubin (France), received a First in the NAVHDA Natural Ability Test. Producer: is John and Bruce Mooney. Owner: Doug...
Vernon de L’Escarbot

Vernon de L’Escarbot

Vernon de L’Escarbot, son of Souris du Clapet aux Bartavelles (France) and Toy de St. Lubin (France), received a qualifying score each day, for the first 2 legs of Junior Hunter at AKC Hunt Test held at Kelly Farms June 18 and 19, 2005. Producer: John and Bruce...
Seone Ponette de L’Escarbot

Seone Ponette de L’Escarbot

Seone Ponette de L’Escarbot, daughter of Ponette du Buisson de Choisel (France) and Ornat du Calembour, received a qualifying score for the first 2 legs of Junior Hunter at AKC sponsored event, horseback judged, June 21, 2003 at Apple River Hunting Preserve....
Ubu de L’Escarbot (Boo)

Ubu de L’Escarbot (Boo)

Ubu de L’Escarbot (“Boo”), daughter of Pamel di Poggio Sanremo (Italy) and Ramses du Bois de Vauchelles (France), Scored a Prize I Score of 106 on Natural Ability Test August 15, 2004 Northern Minnesota Chapter of NAVHDA. Producer: John and Bruce...