Vigueur de L’Escarbot (Elsie) – Hunt Test

Vigueur de L’Escarbot (Elsie) – Hunt Test

Vigueur de L’Escarbot (“Elsie”), daughter of Souris du Clapet aux Bartavelles (France) and Toy de St. Lubin (France) Producer: John and Bruce Mooney. Owner: Doug Lodermeier 1.) NAVHDA Natural Ability Test: Prize 1. 06/04/05 2.) AKC Hunt Test Junior...
Alan de L’Escarbot (Cotton)

Alan de L’Escarbot (Cotton)

Alan de L’Escarbot (“Cotton”) wins a TAN, and a second in Confirmation Show at eight months (2006), and two passes at Gun Dog. (2007 & 2008). Producer: John and Bruce Mooney. Owner: Bill Wall
Brady de L’Escarbot

Brady de L’Escarbot

Brady de L’Escarbot Sire: Toy De Saint Lubin Dam: Taleg De Cornoutaille Producer: John and Bruce Mooney. Owner: Dave Kenney Click here for the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Natural Ability Test Record This document is page a PDF file, you will...
Ubu de L’Escarbot (Boo) Hunt Tests

Ubu de L’Escarbot (Boo) Hunt Tests

Ubu de L’Escarbot (“Boo”), daughter of Pamel di Poggio Sanremo (Italy) and Ramses du Bois de Vauchelles (France) Completed first two legs of Junior Hunt Title Earned a Prize I Score of 106 on Natural Ability Test August 15, 2004 Minnesota Chapter of...