by admin | May 7, 2015 | Testimonials
“A little over 3 years ago, when we went to pick up Maquis at 8 weeks old, John tossed a quail a few feet away. That cute little bundle of fur went straight for it, somehow picked it up (it was almost as big as him), and trotted back to us, a great sign of... by admin | May 7, 2015 | Testimonials
“By 15 months, D’Artagnan (aka Dax) pointed and retrieved ruffed grouse, pheasant and chucker – in sun, rain and snow. John, we are very pleased with the job you and your family did in refining Dax’s obedience and instilling the basics of hunt training –... by admin | May 7, 2015 | Testimonials
“It was great to see how Maddie’s learned on each of our hunts. This time she was outstanding! My brother-in-law with whom I’ve hunted for 30+ years said she’s far and away the best dog I’ve ever had. As much as we love Cassie, we have to... by admin | May 7, 2015 | Testimonials
“Just back from a week hunting pheasants and sharptails in eastern Montana. I thought I’d let you know that I am feeling pretty good about Dory’s prospects. As you well know, its hard to draw too many conclusions about a 14 month old pup. But I can... by admin | May 7, 2015 | Testimonials
“My search for a dog was based on specific criteria: small to medium size, a pointer, intelligent, and a great companion in the house. I found the ideal solution in a French Brittany spaniel from L’Escarbot Kennels. The Mooney brothers have a passion for...
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