Kansas December 2017

John Mooney and Etoc De L’Escarbot Louie Fackler and Manitou De L’Escarbot (Nordy) What field should we hunt next Etoc?John Mooney and Etoc De L’Escarbot


Greetings It is humbling to learn that your dog is smarter than you are, especially two days in a row. This time Patch pointed a pheasant and when flushed, it caught a strong SD prairie wind. I shot and it sailed down with the wind 60 yds away. I carefully marked it...

Manitou De L’Escarbot

Manitou De L’Escarbot Dam: Jinni Du Comte De Batz Castelmore (Import France) Sire: Jameson De L’Escarbot Owner: Louie Fackler, MN Producer: John and Bruce Mooney